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HIGHLIGHT: Parents, teachers, students say quality of education under distance learning is moderate

Majority of parents, teachers, and students surveyed from April 20-28, 2021 rated the quality of education under the distance learning program to be “moderate”.

Excluding the aforementioned majority, 23% of parents and 29% of teachers said the quality of education was poor or extremely poor. On the other hand, 22% of students rated the quality as good or excellent compared to 20% who rated it poorly as well.

See the infographic below for the full breakdown of the data. Download the full reports here.

Online Distance Learning Survey

Building on the firm’s initial survey about distance learning, iOptions Ventures conducted a follow-up study to evaluate the quality of the program after being implemented for two academic quarters. A separate survey was done for parents, teachers, and students in order to get a comprehensive understanding of the program from the different perspectives of the three groups.

The parents survey reached 6991 respondents, while the teachers and students had 4933 and 7178, respectively. All were conducted online from April 20-28, 2021. With convenience sampling employed for this survey, the researchers used Facebook as its main recruitment channel in order to reach the widest audience. In view of this, results from this online survey shall not be construed as representative of the Filipino population.

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